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Community / support / Save file as [NOT into browser cache]
please add support to download using save file as, not into browser storage. Lets say on c: drive i have 1gb free space, so i want to save 5gb file on e: drive where i have 200gb free space. i cant because web app downloads to cache on c please add possibility to download using save file as at start, not first to cache
👍 2
Thanks for your suggestion. If your file isn't encrypted, then you can use: "Share link" option and then select: "Raw S3 presigned URL". You will get the direct link to your resource which you can use in your browser or any download client. If encryption is enabled there is no decrypted resource URL that we could expose so you could "right click" on it and "Save file as". I am not up to date with the File System API: and whether nowadays it is possible. Do you know any other web-app which offers E2E encryption and have this feature implemented? I would be keen to check out if and how they've managed to achieve it.
Tom changed the channel name: Save file as [NOT into browser cache] 9/3/2023 1:06 PM
Exported 3 message(s)
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